American Guild of Organists - Portland, Oregon
Welcome to the City of Roses
Installation Service and Annual Meeting
Sun, Sep 27
|YouTube and Zoom
Our installation service and annual meeting will be convened virtually on Sunday, September 27

Time & Location
Sep 27, 2020, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
YouTube and Zoom
About The Event
The service, in which our chapter board members will be installed, will be streamed at 3:00 p.m., Sunday, September 27 and will include pre-recorded preludial music and a brief liturgy. To watch the service, go to our chapter's YouTube channel. To follow along with and participate in the service, download the service leaflet attached to this message.
Direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY892ZjHqYA
Our Annual Meeting following the Installation will be at 4:00 p.m. We will do this via the Zoom Platform (the Executive Board and our Last Thursday Luncheon group has been meeting this way). A vote can be taken if needed and you will have a chance to speak and discuss. You can join from a computer, a tablet, or a phone. Zoom is available as a free app from: https://www.zoom.us/download
Chapter members: check e-mail for meeting ID and access code.
If at all possible, please join using a device with a camera, like an iPad, mobile phone, or desktop or laptop computer with a webcam, so we may see each other.
Annual Meeting Agenda:
Town Hall Sharing Time - Your worship services? If, how, when? Reports on the status of the Chapter Status of Region West Convention 2021? 2023!